
Diet, Nutrition & Awareness To Improve & Extend Your Life

The Simple Secrets to Discovering

 Exceptional Health


Introduction: There are many factors that can contribute to the acquisition of several and varied disease conditions. Some may be tolerable and easily manageable, while others can develop into a fatal condition. Whether tolerable or fatal, it’s a good idea to know what you should do or not do, to remain and/or become healthy. Prevention is the smartest consideration, offering less pain, discomfort and expense. It is our hope that the following information and suggestions will assist you in your understanding and support to a good, happy, healthy and long life.


What you will see below, are guidelines to get you to think, ponder and research information about ANY and ALL products that you use on, in or around yourself and your family. When you consider the level of toxins that are contained in the everyday products that encompass your life, you will realize that the combined total of toxins that you are exposed to, is why you don’t stand a chance of survival, in having a  perfectly healthy and prolonged quality of life.


YOU are responsible to take charge of your life and to know what is hurting you and what healthy alternatives there are to the poisons that you are constantly bombarded with. Anyone can easily research a few products each week to become educated about them and if unacceptable, to find alternative healthy choices.



What’s in your Home may be hurting you?


Below, is a general list of everyday products that everyone should consider, avoid and find alternatives to. Research the types of products that you use and their ingredients. Just do a Web search by putting in the search bar – “health dangers of ……….”  And then “Healthy Alternatives for using …….”


Toothpaste: Avoid any containing Fluoride (this type is man-made and seriously toxic), Sodium Lauryl (SLS) and/or Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Propylene Glycol


Anti-Perspirant: Avoid Aluminum Chlorohydrate and/or other Aluminum compounds (aluminum is linked to Alzheimer’s and short term memory loss), Parabens, Propylene Glycol, Triclosan, Steareths, Artificial Colors, TEA and DEA (all of the above are linked to cancer)


Shampoo, Conditioner & Hair Care: Toxic Ingredients to Avoid in these products.



Clothes Washer & Dryer: Perfumes, 1,4-dioxane, NPE (nonylphenol ethoxylate), Phosphates, Ammonium (ALS) & Sodium Lauryl (SLS) and/or Laureth Sulfate (SLES), AND their OTHER NAMES (Sodium dodecyl sulfate, Sulfuric acid, monododecyl ester, sodium salt, Sodium salt sulfuric acid, Monododecyl ester sodium salt sulfuric acid, A13-00356, Akyposal SDS, Aquarex ME, Aquarex methyl)


Fabric softeners and dryer sheets coat clothing with a layer of slimy chemicals – which makes them feel a little softer. The most common chemicals used are called "quats" (short for quaternary ammonium compounds) and include such chemical names as diethyl ester dimethyl ammonium chloride, dialkyl dimethyl ammonium methyl sulfate, dihydrogenated palmoylethyl hydroxyethylmonium methosulfate and di-(palm carboxyethyl) hydroxyethyl methyl ammonium methyl sulfate.


Household Cleaners: Check out this link and the list of Alternatives.


Skin Care & Make Up:   Many of the above listed ingredients are contained in these products as well. Learn the list and avoid them at all cost.



Foods That Help Prevent OR Promote Disease


The below link will take you to a chart that lists Alkaline and Acidic Providing foods.This table reflects, in percentages, the negative or bad properties of acid- forming foods and the positive or good properties of acid-binding alkaline foods. Alkaline foods build and support the body, and also neutralize the harmful acids produced by the acid-forming foods. Excess acids form excess mucus, causing all forms of internal congestion, inflammation and a medium for bacterial and fungal growth and disease. The higher the acid-binding percentage of a food--the more valuable that food is, as an acid and mucus eliminator. By eating a larger portion of acid-binding foods, within the same meal, while eating acid-forming foods, the harmful effects of the acid-forming foods are lessened.


What you will discover, is that most Vegetables & Fruits are Alkaline producing / Acid Binding healthy foods. Dairy, Meats, Cereals, Breads and Sugars are either Acid Producing, create excess mucus in the body or provide a medium for bad bacterial and yeast growth.         

Review the chart at the link listed below.

Your Kitchen Pantry & Refrigerator

I’m sure that your pantry and refrigerator is filled with many processed and packaged foods, which are filled with preservatives, additives, artificial colors & flavors, as well as a host of ingredients that you can not even pronounce. Most of these additives have nothing to do with nutrition or health, they are just there for texture, mouth feel, thickening and to enhance the flavors or help you in your addiction to these foods. The health problems that they set you up for are too numerous to mention. Let’s just say, if you didn’t pick it, pull it or grow it, it’s not natural and you will receive some negative effects from it. Stay clean, natural and as raw as possible.

Don’t forget about the bottled water you drink, is it BPA free, city water (containing fluoride, chlorine and medical toxins), pesticides, cleaning products and air pollution.

REGARDING SUGARS – The Obvious, The Hidden & The Fake

All-natural sugars should be consumed in moderation, as well as, high sugar fruits. Refined and Artificial sugars should be avoided at all costs. IF, someone has a disease condition, all types of sugars and starches should be avoided, especially during their recovery period and for at least 6 months after recovery. Afterwards, very sparse and very moderate amounts can be enjoyed, of the natural and healthy versions.

Sugars and Starches are converted into Glucose, which becomes the main food source of Yeast, Fungus, Candida and harmful bacterial overgrowth, which are the precursors to cancer formation and development. 

Refined Table Sugar – granular and powdered, Agave Nectar, Fructose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup

Artificial Sweeteners and Sugar Substitutes – Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet, NatraTaste Blue), Acesulfame potassium (ACE K, Sunette, Equal Spoonful, Sweet One, Sweet ‘n Safe), Alitame, Cyclamate, Dulcin, Glucin, Kaltame, Mogrosides, Neotame, NutraSweet, Nutrinova, Phenylalanine, Saccharin (Sweet ‘N Low, Twin Sweet), Sucralose (Splenda), Sorbitol & Xylitol

The Fakesweeteners cause symptoms that range from headaches and migraines to weight gain and even more serious conditions like cardiovascular disease. What many people don’t realize is that artificial sweeteners also can cause a dangerous addiction — an addiction to overly sweet foods.

Starches are complex carbohydrates and are converted into sugars by the body. If, they are not promptly burned up as fuel, they will then be converted into fat and stored for later (sometimes later never comes and you just keep building up your fat reserves). Avoid these types of foods: grains (even “whole” grains), rice, cereals, flour, cornstarch, breads, pastas, muffins, bagels, crackers, and “starchy” vegetables such as slow-cooked beans (pinto, lima, black beans), carrots, parsnips, corn, peas, potatoes, French fries, potato chips.

High in Sugar Foods – Cereals, Vitamin Waters, Flavored Teas & Coffees, Sports Drinks, Packaged Fruit Juices & Sodas, Low Fat Yogurt, Frozen Pizza, Ketchup, BBQ Sauce, Salad Dressing, Sugar-Free Products, Cookies & Biscuits, Ready-to-Eat Soups, Dried & Canned Fruits, Granola Bars, Breads, Cakes / Pastries & Donuts, Bagels & Churros, Bottled Spaghetti Sauce.

High Sugar Fresh Fruits – Lychees, Passion Fruit, Pomegranate, Mangos, Cherries, Oranges, Kiwi, Grapes, Guava, Bananas, Pears, Apples, Peaches, Papaya & Nectarines.

High Sugar Dried Fruits – Raisins, Currants, Dates, Apricots, Peaches, Apples & Bananas

Top 10 Healthiest Natural Sweeteners

  1.   Stevia & Monk Fruit (both are 0 calories)
  2.   Cal-0-Sweet – by Prescribed For Life (0 Calories & Carbs)
  3.   Raw Honey (1 tablespoon– 64 calories)
  4.   Dates & Date Sugar (1 Medjool Date – 66 calories)
  5.   Coconut Sugar (1 tablespoon – 45 calories)
  6.   Maple Syrup (1 tablespoon – 52 calories)
  7.   Blackstrap Molasses (1 tablespoon – 47 calories)
  8.   Balsamic Glaze (1 tablespoon – 20-40 calories depending on thickness)
  9.   Brown Rice Syrup (1 tablespoon – 55 calories)
  10.   Banana Puree (1 cup – 200 calories)


Replace the Bad for the Good

Without getting any more boring, by going into greater detail, let’s sum all this up.

One would wonder how anyone could survive in this world, surrounded by toxins at every turn. What is stated and listed is a short lesson on why this is not a joke and how you have to consider a smarter way to look out for you and your family’s best interest and health.

What I am now going to share, is what I would personally do for myself, if I were to have a fatal condition. How I would change the way that I live my life, while being immersed in this world of poisons. I will also list why I would make the choices to do whatever I decided to do.

First Clean Up the Bathroom

  1. Every single item that is there: I would go through my bathroom and discard all items that contain any of the harmful ingredients that were listed in the information above. If I did not see a particular ingredient on the list, I would research the ingredient to determine if I want it in or on my body, always leaning to information that claims it is not good, so you can be extra cautious.
  2. I would find safe and healthy alternatives for the products that I discarded. Web Search is fast and easy, just don’t let advertising fool you. Make sure you know and check all ingredients before wasting your money on false adds. I can assure you, that you can find most replacement items at your grocer.
  3. If I am on city water, I would add a filter to the bath and/or shower head, to reduce the chlorine and other water contaminants. Your skin is the largest organ of the body, so it can absorb or eliminate the most toxins. Generally, what you put on your skin goes in and can make you sick or can add up with other culprits to make you sick.
  4. Don’t spray cologne on your skin, spray on your clothing to avoid absorption into your skin.
  5. There are many good, natural products that you can use for your body, that in the long run, will actually out perform all of those replaced synthetic ones.

Clean Up the Pantry & Refrigerator

  1. Most things in your pantry are no good for you, period. Be extra cautious to eliminate many of the condiments and find natural, good ones to replace the bad.
  2. Do NOT consume any GMO (genetically modified organism) products. Regardless of what the liars are trying to convince you of. This is not live, natural food and it will distort your DNA and transform your body into the walking dead.
  3. Remember, Sugar-Free is full of bad Fat and Fat-Free products are full of sugar. Lean to Organic or Non-GMO products, but look out for the Ingredient list that will show you the hidden poisons.

Clean Up the Household Chemicals & Laundry Room

  1. This is a real dangerous place to look. There are so many chemicals that stay on your dishes or in your clothing. When you get hot, your clothes will release these chemicals and then they are absorbed into your skin…more toxins.
  2. If you have to use chemicals, wear gloves to protect them from getting into your skin. If there are fumes, get a chemical face mask at any hardware or paint store and wear it when cleaning.
  3. Be cautious and pro-active in protecting your skin and lungs from contamination.

Get some good food, as reviewed in the chart from the listed link.

  1. Get a good Juicer and a Vitamix or Bullet. The best type of juicer is the Omega, but it is costly. The Bullet or Vitamix are both good, their use retains all of the pulp, so it is thicker to drink.
  2. Buy Organic fruits and vegetables. If you can’t afford Organic, make sure you buy Non-GMO. See the website for how to clean most produce, as clean as organic, without the cost and how to tell if you are buying GMO or not.


Things to Avoid – You can easily do a Web-Search to find out the reasons why!

GMO Foods – (altered DNA causes the body’s inability to recognize and process their nutrients)

Microwaved Foods - Especially Buttered Popcorn (reverses protein structure, making it unrecognized)

Potato Chips & Fried Carb Snacks (high heat creates carcinogens from the starch)

Processed Meats & Meats (many chemical additives that are carcinogenic)

All Dairy – (causes an excessive amount of mucus causing congestion and inflammation in the colon)

Refined Grains & Pastries – (causes allergic and inflammatory responses, especially gluten)

Refined Sugar, Sugary Sodas & Sugar Free Drinks – (feeds yeast, mold and harmful bacteria)

Canned Foods – (lined with BPA plastic and/or leaches heavy metals into the food)

Alcohol – (even modest amounts, increases the risk of breast cancer and other cancers)

Soy – (high levels of estrogens or Phyto-estrogens proliferate cancer cell growth)

The Most Important Things  (** Most powerful Anti-Cancer foods)

Hydration – Alkaline Water

Rest & Good Sleep

NO Stress & Clear Conscience

Deep Breathing Exercises

Cardio Exercise – get heart rate up to 120 bpm

Eat a Raw Food Diet / Some can be lightly Steamed

Organic Foods & Cruciferous Vegetables

Grits – Organic or Non-GMO are OK to eat. (The only beneficial starch for this condition)

Avocados – Good source of healthy fats, eat at least 4 a week.

** Garlic (not from China) – Crush, let sit 10 minutes, swallow, at lease 3 cloves daily

** Broccoli Sprouts

** Pumpkin Seeds – raw is best (you can soak or coat with unrefined pink sea salt, to add flavor)



Understanding “The Health Miracle Diet”

Although this is referred to as “The Health Miracle Diet”, it is the healthiest diet for any and all people, all the time. The closer you follow this diet the healthier you will be, remain and/or become.

The Health Miracle Diet is just as important as any Medical Treatment!!

For example, suppose your house is on fire. As the fire trucks pull up to your house, and start to spray water on your burning house, suppose one of your neighbors, who does not like you, starts spraying gasoline on your house from your back yard. Is your neighbor helping the fire department? No!

In exactly a similar way, a disease treatment is trying to put out the "fire" of the disease which is spreading throughout your body. If you have a poor diet you are essentially FEEDING the growth of the disease.

Actually, you have several options with regards to your diet:
1) You can simply avoid feeding the disease (e.g. no sugar, no flour, no meat, etc.), or
2) You can use The Health Miracle Diet to help build your immune system and provide needed nutrients to the non-diseased cells, or
3) You can use The Health Miracle Diet to help build the immune system AND help kill diseased cells,
4) You can use The Health Miracle Diet to recover your health and avoid future maladies.

In fact, many very ill people have self-cured their conditions by using nothing but a drastically changed and healthy diet.

However, most cancer patients who seek out alternative cancer treatments have had extensive chemotherapy and radiation and these patients may need more than just a good diet.

How far you go with The Health Miracle Diet is up to you, but this much is clear, a poor diet will undermine any healthcare treatment and may even totally cancel out the benefits of that treatment.

The "Health Miracle Diet" is a MAJOR FACTOR, EVEN THE PRIMARY FACTOR, in a person's ability to survive a serious health issue!!!

Many books have been written about various diets. You hear terms like "live food," "raw food," wheatgrass juice, carrot juice, macrobiotic diet, Lorraine Day diet, sprouting, and many, many more.

In some cases, people will simply go to a clinic or a retreat to get their “cure-all” diet. While this is good, it is important to remind the reader that using The Health Miracle Diet, as the ONLY cure-all is not recommended.

It is best to use a solid alternative verified treatment as the main treatment and use The Health Miracle Diet to build the immune system, remove some the bad and be a contributing factor in your healthcare treatment. But it is not recommended to exclusively use The Health Miracle Diet as your sole treatment, with very rare exceptions.


The Diet Basics Are True for Any Serious Ailment, Including Cancer

If you are a cancer patient, and you want to survive your cancer, you had better become a vegan. Meat is absolutely forbidden for cancer patients, with cancer patients who are exceptionally weak, there now are exceptional vegetarian protein alternatives.

Meat is forbidden for many reasons. First, pancreatic enzymes, which are critical for cancer patients, are programmed to digest meat before they are programmed to strip-off the protein coating of cancer cells, which makes the cancer cells "visible" to the immune system, so the immune system can kill them.

Also, animal proteins may "feed" cancer cells as much as sugar. This is seemingly unknown, but what is known is that meat proteins are one of the most consistent factors contributing to why a person gets cancer.

Meats are also very acidic. Obviously, sugar, white flour, and many other things, literally feed cancer cells because they are so acidic. Soda pops, even if "diet soda pops," are another example of a forbidden food because they are so acidic.

So why are acidic foods and drinks forbidden? The reason is the "inner terrain," as Dr. Robert O. Young and many others have called the inside of our body. Cancer cells become very aggressive in an acidic environment and very docile in an alkaline environment. The book: Sick and Tired - Reclaim Your Inner Terrain, by Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD is a classic book on this topic.

In fact, all animal products are forbidden, with rare exceptions.


There are two advantages to juicing vegetables and fruits. First, juicing makes the nutrients in a fruit or vegetable more digestible by the body, meaning more of the nutrients are extracted from the vegetables or fruits with less of the obstructing fibers. The second advantage is that you can consume a lot more vegetables (particularly vegetables and fruits with cancer killing nutrients) in a shorter amount of time and with a lot less effort. Juicing is an excellent way to consume your fruits and vegetables.

The bad thing about juicing is that the nutrients are not extracted sufficiently from the seeds or skins of some key vegetables and fruits. If you are eating a food where the seeds and/or skins contain key cancer fighting nutrients (e.g. purple grapes), you should not use a juicer for the seeds or skin, but rather use a food processor or use a “Bullet”, to grind the seeds and skins to make mush.

A Note About Carrots

Like virtually all vegetables, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of phytonutrients (i.e. nutrients in plants not otherwise classified) in carrots that have not yet been identified or tested for cancer-fighting abilities. It may be that we do not yet know the best cancer-fighting nutrient in carrots, but based on many testimonials and some books, carrots may be the best cancer-fighting vegetable of all.

  • "In a review of 206 human studies, carrots consistently emerged as one of the top cancer-fighting foods. The power of carrots lies in the group of pigments called carotenoids (beta-carotene is among this group), which give them their orange color."

Vegetables Juices - Organic

The Organic RAW vegetables you should focus on are: carrots, cabbage, green asparagus, broccoli, red beets (i.e. beetroot), beet tops, cauliflower and related vegetables. Peppers also have cancer fighting substances. The spice turmeric can be added as well.

AS A MINIMUM, the vegetable juice should include:
1) Carrot juice (1 to 2 quarts/liters),
2) Beet juice (from at least 2 red beets, with their beet tops)
3) A significant amount of cruciferous vegetables including: broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower (this is for both the cancer and the critical protection of the liver)

Important Note: Beetroot can cause the urine of a person to turn red. Thus, if you take beetroot and your urine turns red, it is not necessarily blood in the urine.

Here are just a few of the cancer cell killing nutrients (direct or indirect) in vegetables:
Raw Carrots (alpha carotene, beta carotene, Vitamin E, etc.),
Raw Broccoli (sulforaphanes/isothiocyanates),
Raw cabbage (isothiocyanates),
Green Asparagus (saponins),
Beetroot/red beets (proanthocyanins (PAC's or OPC's), and
Turmeric (a spice) (use the extract, 95% curcumin).

A vegetable juice using 1 quart of carrots is the minimum level of carrots that is acceptable. Vegetable juices with 2 quarts of carrots have also been used by many people.

At least 80% or above of the vegetable juice should come from vegetables with known cancer-fighting abilities, although other vegetables are not far behind the ones just mentioned.

When making these juices, you may want to add your other Herbs and Nutrients, to simplify the taking of all of the other supplements that you want to take. Since this is a “food” drink, your other additions will go well with your juice, just be sure to do a taste test. You don’t want to add so much that you can’t stand drinking or enjoying your mixture.

Fruit Juices - Organic

As an alternative to a vegetable juice, you could also make a fruit juice. Unlike the vegetable juice, for which you should only take 1 to 2 quarts of carrot juice per day, there is no limit to how many fruit juices you can have each day.

RAW fruits you should focus on are: purple grapes (with skins and seeds), red raspberries, black raspberries, strawberries, and other non-citrus fruits, with their seeds, especially peaches and apricots (the seed is inside a hard shell). Actually, any fruit with dark blue or dark purple coloring is acceptable, such as blueberries. Raw pineapple is especially good if you can get it and afford it. Tomatoes also have cancer fighting nutrients, when lightly cooked.

Here is a sample of the known cancer-killing nutrients in fruits:
Raw pineapple (bromelain and peroxidase),
Whole purple grapes with seeds and skins (only a dozen each day),
Apricot seeds and apple seeds (laetrile),
Strawberries, red raspberries, black raspberries (laetrile and ellagic acid),
Blueberries (ellagic acid, anthocyanins, OPC),

At least 80% or above of the fruit juice should come from fruits with known cancer-fighting abilities.

Also allowed are the super-fruit juices: Mangosteen, noni and wolfberry or goji. These are allowed, but only in very limited quantities. No more than a 5 or 6 ounces of these super fruit juices (combined) should be taken each day because they place a burden on the liver by releasing a great deal of toxins in the body.

Another issue is glucose. Carrots have a high level of glucose. This glucose is readily taken in by cancer cells. When the glucose is taken in so are the nutrients in the carrots, etc. that kill cancer cells. Cancer cells steal from normal cells not only glucose, but nutrients as well.

NOTE: Avoid using high glucose containing fruits and/or unapproved “other” ingredients. When a person combines non-vegetable and non-fruit foods which are high in glucose with the vegetable juice or fruit juice, then the cancer cells are getting glucose from multiple sources and they may be getting a lot of nutrients from these other foods. BUT, these other nutrients may not kill cancer cells as well as carrot juice and some of the other vegetable juices.

In other words, do not consume vegetables or fruits, or any other food which is high in glucose, unless they are cancer-killing foods. Mixing foods that contain high levels of glucose, but do not kill cancer cells, DILUTES the amount of cancer-killing nutrients that get into the cancer cells, making the any treatment LESS effective!!

Cooking Foods

Cooking food destroys 100% of all enzymes in a food. Because many foods contain the necessary enzymes needed to digest that food (and get the nutrients out of the food), cooking food places a great burden on our body and does not allow a person to get as many nutrients out of their food. Actually, cooking food does damage to the value of the food in over two dozen different ways.

While it may be true that some nutrients are made more readily available by cooking, overall, it is better to eat vegetables raw than cooked, boiled or broiled. Some foods, however, are generally cooked for safety reasons, such as peas and green beans, to name but two.

"Eating cooked food prevents the immune system from working on what is really important in keeping us superbly healthy and young in body, mind and soul. We exhaust and dissipate the body's strength by using the immune system to combat the unnatural cooked foods, chemically based supplements, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, hormones (in meats, poultry, fish and dairy) and numerous other toxins we ingest, breathe in or absorb through our skin. When we really need the immune system to support us (as when a disease or infection develops, or an injury occurs), it then lacks the strength to defend us properly."


And another one:

"Foods to avoid: all animal products, especially proteins and fats, i.e. no cooked meat, fat, eggs, milk, etc.; all refined sugars and starches, breads and all grains; carbohydrates; oils; eat only fresh raw fruit and vegetables, juices and extracts."



Nutrition & Immune Boosting Suggestions for Those with Cancer

** These are ABSOLUTE necessities for serious conditions.

** Blood Sugar - Glucose Test Daily – Must be below 100, around 90 mg/dL. is best.

** Cholesterol – Don’t worry about it. You want total cholesterol to be no less than 250

** pH – Both Urine and Saliva should be at 7.5 to 8 pH (7.5 after recovery)

** Coffee Enema – “The Real Deal ENEMA Coffee” Brand- every 2 to 4 hrs. for pain (3 heap Tbsp coffee, boil 3 min, sim 15 min, cool & do)  Do daily as often as needed for pain and bowel function.

** BHT - Butylated Hydroxy Toluene - 1,500 mg   (take for ONLY 3 Days)



** These are strongly suggested to incorporate into your plan.


Each day, have a hot bath followed by a cold shower or cold bath.  No soap should be used for the bath unless it is a good natural biodegradable cleanser.  Each day before the bath, give a dry skin brushing (always towards the heart), using a natural bristle brush (not nylon).


We should use only natural fibers, such as cotton, wool, linen, rayon or silk, for the clothes we wear and also for our bed covers.

Releasing Static Electricity:
Walk or jog barefoot on the lawn to get rid of the static electricity in the body and to allow new electrical vibration to come from the atmosphere.

Three Oil Massage:
For the first two days, massage with castor oil, using a clockwise circular motion from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, always working towards the heart.  The next two days use olive oil, and the last two days of the week massage with wheat germ oil. None on the seventh day.





The 7 Steps - Abbreviated


Step 1 - An Attitude of Gratitude & Oil Pulling or Chlorella Shot Heavy Metal Detox (upon Awakening)


Step 2 - 24 oz of The Alkalinizer Water with HydroProx 35 & DMSO (1st in the AM)


Step 3 - 5 Minutes of Aerobic Exercise & Ocean Breath Breathing


Step 4 - 12 oz of The Alkalinizer & Vital Life Nutrients (Breakfast)


Step 5 - Enjoy a Day of Sun, Fun & Eat Sensible "Good" Food (Mid-Day Lunch Time)


Step 6 - 8 oz of The Alkalinizer & The Amazing Tonic-Klenz Daily Tonic (2 to 4 PM)


Step 7 - 8 oz of The Alkalinizer & Thanks Giving (at Bed Time)



The 7 Step Plan Details are Below

(plan directions are different from the individual product directions.)


IMPORTANT NOTE: Excellent Health requires sufficient HYDRATION, or your body cannot conduct proper functions and cleansing. The Alkalinizer offers potent alkaline electrolytes and trace minerals to assist in all crucial and necessary body functions. Drink 8 to 12 glasses or more, of purified water with The Alkalinizer throughout each day, depending on your body weight.


** When you see the ** at the end of each Step, this indicates that, for those who require SERIOUS health support, these suggestions are listed, explained and should be added to the Standard.


Step 1 – Upon Awakening, Begin Your Day with A Clean Heart & Heavy Metal Detox. 
Have an Attitude of Gratitude! Thank your Creator, sing and shout HalleluYah! …for allowing you to wake up and be granted another opportunity to better your health, your life and the world around you.

As often as you are able, cleanse your tongue, mouth and glands with the Ayurvedic method of Oil Pulling OR with a Chlorella Shot for Heavy Metal Elimination. (For Details…Follow This Link)


** Regardless of how faithful and disciplined you are at following your diet, exercise and taking your supplements, it is a proven and established scientific fact that, the condition of your mind (heart & soul) and your spirit (the breath and spark of Life given to you by God), can either support or negate all of the good that you do, and thereby, determine the resulting quality of your health and healing. For people to expect to be blessed with the highest quality of health, life, happiness and longevity, they must work at having these areas of their life in proper order.

    You MUST confront, resolve and release, any and all destructive attitudes, thoughts, feelings and beliefs. These destructive issues can make you and/or keep you sick, regardless of what do. Make a list, so you don’t leave anything out, then deal with each one of them, until all are resolved. Then you have a much better chance at the kind of life that everyone hopes for.


Step 2 - Morning Hydro-Flush - Detox, Cleansing & Elimination
Into 24 ounces of The Alkalinizer water, place 5 drops of HydroProx 35-8% and 5 drops DMSO. Drink all within 10 minutes; drink in 4 portions (about 6oz), each portion about 2 minutes apart. You can squeeze fresh Lemon or Lime juice for extra cleansing and flavor.


NOTE: It’s best not to eat or drink ANYTHING else for 30-45 minutes thereafter.


The Alkalinizer Water helps to neutralize the acidic toxins and to hydrate and flush out the congested mucus and fecal matter of the yesterday’s past.


** The Alkalinizer is made by adding 1 rounded tsp to 1 gallon of Distilled Water. In addition, add 1/2 level tsp of Pink Unrefined Sea Salt.


HydroProx 35-8% helps revitalize your body, supplying extra Oxygen to your blood, waking up your brain and energizing your morning. It helps to destroy the harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites within, then it helps to stimulate your immunity and the elimination of decay and toxins.


DMSO is one of the world’s most powerful anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, naturally produced by your body. Inflammation is always associated with disease and pain. A little extra support against free radicals and inflammation is a positive step to better health.


** Instead of doing the above with 24 oz of The Alkaline Water, only use 16 oz.  As you are able, without becoming nauseated, each morning work your way up to using about 15 drops of both HP35-8% and DMSO.


** Add to your daily serving, 16 oz of The Alkalinizer Water – ½ tsp Colloidal Silver, 30ppm


** Also, add to your daily serving, 16 oz of The Alkalinizer Water - ONLY 4 Days/Week

TetraSodium EDTA - 1/8 tsp (metal chelation) & USP Borax – ¼ tsp (kills fungus)


**In Addition, after drinking the above 16 oz mixture: In a tall glass, add 1 tsp of Sodium Bicarbonate, 1 tsp of The Alkalinizer and 2 TBSP of either Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice or Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (unfiltered w/ the Mother) or 1 of each.  When it stops fizzing, add 10 oz of water and drink in 2 portions. All of this and the above, still within the 10 minutes stated.



Step 3 - Aerobic Exercise & Ocean Breath Breathing 
   Rebounding - One of the most effective methods of energizing your metabolism and your overall wellbeing, is to jumpstart your body for the day. Working up to 5 to 10 minutes of aerobic exercise on a Rebounder (the small round trampoline), will give you all the exercise you need. Your goal is to get your heart rate up to at least 120 beats per minute. Other programs and forms of exercise are fine, but they are mainly for your looks. Our studies show that rebounding gives you the "biggest bang for the buck". While exercising your muscles and benefiting your cardio and respiratory systems, rebounding also stimulates your lymphatic system to detoxify and your bowels to move easily.

You can also consider a standing Vibrating machine, which does the work for you, especially for those who can’t jump or require greater support while exercising. All you have to do is stand and hold on.

   Ocean Breath breathing - helps to eliminate toxic gasses from your lungs and to oxygenate, energize and detoxify your blood and respiratory system. Do it by itself and/or during your exercise.  You may also want to consider acquiring an Ozone machine for Super Oxygen Breathing & for your drinking Water.  (For Details…Follow This Link)


** Some people prefer to have a brisk walk outdoors. This is fine also but, remember, the objective is to get you blood flowing and your respiratory system activated so, you have to get the heart beat up to at least 120 bpm before stopping.


Step 4 - Vital Life Nutrients – The Ultimate Meal Replacement
When you have had a chance to "catch your breath" from your exercise and 30-45 minutes has past, since taking your morning Hydro-Flush, it's time for Breakfast, your suggested serving of "VLN" - Vital Life Nutrients. Add 12 ounces of The Alkalinizer water to your Shaker Cup, then add 1/2 level Cup of VLN, cap tightly, then swirl the mixture around, wetting it well, to prevent it from sticking to the top of the cap, then shake vigorously. Drink quickly, so it doesn’t become too thick from the swelling hydrated fibers.

After drinking your VLN, follow with an additional glass of The Alkalinizer water or juice. This is necessary to fully hydrate all of the fibers, keep you feeling full and to help your body process all of those hundreds of nutrients. Without sufficient water, those vital processes cannot take place.


Suggestions: You may add more or less water, depending on the consistency of the mixture that you prefer. If it is too thick, simply add more water to dilute, then drink down all of those vital nutrients. If you prefer, you can add a splash of Fruit Juice for flavoring to your taste.

If you are still hungry, you can eat a little breakfast but, eat something fresh and healthy.


Important: Avoid eating any dairy products either 1 hour before or after taking your VLN, dairy is an anti-nutrient and will nullify many of the benefits of the nutrients!


Vital Life Nutrients contains over 250 nutritionally dense factors. It is the MOST complete and powerful Whole Food Meal Replacement formula anywhere! One can live on VLN and water alone and remain very healthy. There is not a more complete food available, that can meet all of your body’s demands. VLN is the answer to all of your nutritional requirements, that will keep your body happy, energetic, healthy and improve your beauty and longevity.

** Methylectric B-50 Complex – Take 2


** The Digester – Take 1 with each meal and/or each serving of the VLN

** Super Immune Booster – Take with 1 Tbsp of Organic Chia Seed Oil

Step 5 - Enjoy a Day of Sun, Fun & Eat Sensible "Good" Food – Keep Hydrated
Now you're ready for whatever life has in store for you today. Try to get as much of your body skin exposed to the sun for at least 10 to 30 minutes. The Sun’s rays offer numerous health and detoxing benefits.
Keep in good humor - laugh as often as possible - its good medicine!
Eat sensibly, especially if you are dieting. Avoid unhealthy snacking. Try to follow the guidelines, that are listed in our articles, to assist you in better eating habits. Simply put, make sure you eat three times more fruits and vegetables as you do anything else on your plate!

Remember, processed foods, meats, dairy, breads and other such carbs, all cause excess acidity, mucus, colon congestion and weight gain, which can all lead to various disease conditions.

(Read our articles on What to Eat? AND Which Foods Cause or Prevent Disease?)


** Sunbathe: Take a sunbath each day in the nude, not through glass but in direct sun.  Only allow two minutes on the front and two minutes on the back the first day.  Add two minutes front and back each day but no more.  In six days, you will be up to twelve minutes front and twelve minutes back.  Do not sunbathe at high noon.  If it is a cloudy or cold day, use a sun lamp, but do not allow a burn.

**Eating and Juicing, see Chapter 4, “The Health Miracle Diet”. Follow this diet for the other 1 or 2 meals of your day.Some people prefer to simplify the program and take another serving of the VLN as another meal replacement. It is the lowest in calories, carbs and the most nutrition.

** Fasting & Eating – ONLY eat approved Alkaline foods. Best to initially do Organic and Raw. NO Snacking; eat NO more than 3 times (meals) each day. NO more than 50 carbs per day and 1200 to 1500 calories daily. Eat all food within any 6-hour period each day. That means that you do not eat for 18 hours of each day. This is an easier modified fast to eliminate or reduce blood sugars and starve out the cells that demand glucose to survive.

** Methylectric B-50 Complex – Take 2

** The Digester – Take 1 with each meal.

** Super Immune Booster – Take with 1 Tbsp of Organic Hemp Seed Oil

** Very Powerful Immune Support Raw Meal– Blend in a Bullet, Drink Twice Daily – 55 gm Beets, 55 gm Asparagus, 20 gm Celery, 20 gm Carrot, 3 gm Yam or Sweet Potato, 2 gm Radish

** White Tea - Brew & Drink  (flushes out excess blood sugars), you can drink liberally.


** Essiac Tea – 120 g Burdock (chopped), 80 g Sheep sorrel (powdered), 20 g Slippery elm (powdered), 5 g Turkey rhubarb (powdered)

Use 15 g herb mix to 1.5 liters of distilled or spring water, Boiling time: 10 minutes

Basic single daily does:  30 ml herbal tea diluted in either 30 ml or 60 ml hot water, taken at bedtime or when you get up.

** ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) – The larger the (- mv) number the better.

1. Cancer cells have -15 millivolts registered on the ORP
2. Healing cells have -50 millivolts
3. Healthy cells range from -70 to -100 millivolts.

** 4. Potassium Ascorbate & Apple Cider Vinegar makes Potassium Acetate with a -200mv.   Take 2x/day – dissolve 1 tsp Pot. Ascorbate in 6 oz water, add 1 tsp of ACV, let sit 10 minutes, drink.


Step 6 - The Amazing Tonic-Klenz & The Alkalinizer
In a Shaker Cup, add 6 to 8 ounces of The Alkalinizer water, then add 2 tablespoons of the Tonic-Klenz. Swirl powder into the water before shaking vigorously, then drink. For a smoother texture, let sit for a couple of minutes, shake again and drink. If you prefer, for a change of flavor, you can add some unsweetened 100% fruit and/or vegetable juice.


Q. Why daily? Isn’t that too much cleansing? – A. Don’t you eliminate every day? Don’t you ingest and breath in toxins from the environment and from processed foods, pesticides, household chemicals and the common toxins your body produces from what you ingest? Just as all of these various toxins come in, to invade your body, which are the primary cause of disease, you need to keep flushing out the toxins and wastes that invade your body consistently and continuously, on a daily basis! If you don’t continuously flush them out, they will build up and cause all kinds of health issues.


Tonic-Klenz is a complete daily body cleanser, balancer, energizer and rejuvenator.

Your body naturally detoxes between the hours of 2 to 4, in both the early morning and the late afternoon. This “toxic dump” causes sluggishness and stress on the body. Most people who die in their sleep, do so because their heart and liver cannot handle the shock of the high level of toxins dumped, while at rest. This is why it is best to take the Tonic-Klenz during these hours of late afternoon or at bedtime. The Tonic-Klenz helps to neutralize these highly acidic toxins, absorb them and hold on to them until eliminated.


Variations - Depending on the condition of your health, the Tonic-Klenz can be taken from 1 to 3 times a day, and/or may be split up into smaller, more frequent servings.

Note: Do NOT drink Tonic-Klenz 1 hour before or after taking your VLN or eating a mealShould you become constipated, stop taking the Tonic-Klenz, drink more water until you have fully hydrated the feces and thoroughly eliminated, before resuming again. This is why it is especially important to drink plenty of water, since the Tonic-Klenz absorbs water and waste to help in its elimination.

** Super Immune Booster – Take with 1 Tbsp of Organic Chia Seed Oil


Step 7 - A Clear Constitution, Conscience & Heart
Before going to sleep, drink a glass of The Alkalinizer water, to continue the necessary hydration and flushing, which moves toxins through your system, while you sleep. It also helps to neutralize excess acidity, which protects against the harsh “toxic dump” while sleeping.


For a deeper and sounder nights’ sleep, consider The Dream Maker. Excellent for daytime stress or a restful nights’ sleep. Deep REM dreams and no morning groggy feelings.

Remember - anger, bitterness, worry and stress are toxic to the whole body and soul and will defeat your efforts in living long and healthy. Thank God; He brought you through another day and for the blessings of good health and long life. And, don't forget to forgive everyone, including yourself, then - be at peace.


If you follow the above 7 Steps, the rest generally takes care of itself. Don't worry any more about your health or what else you have to do. Now, go and enjoy your life and bless Him for leading you to a simple answer to excellent health and a peaceful life!


** The Digester – Take 2 at bedtime

** The Eliminator – Take 2 to 4 at bedtime. Make sure you fully eliminate in the morning.

For Those Who Require That EXTRA Healing Support

A Supper Immune System Boosting Formula

Over 80 Powerful Nutrients that Replenish, Builds & Restores Your Body Cells

L-Ascorbic Acid , Cholcalciferol, d-alpha Tocopherol Acetate, Niacinamide / Niacin, Salicylic Acid. Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bicarbonate, TriPotassium Citrate, Calcium d-Glucarate, Zinc Bisglycinate Chelate, Selenium Glycinate Chelate, N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, L-Lysine, Milk Thistle – 80% Silymarin, Boswellia-65% Boswellic Acid, MSM, Green Tea Ext. – 50% EgCg, Guar Gum, Sodium Bicarbonate, Astaxanthin 1%, Curcumin 95%, Chlorella, Betaine TriMethylGlycine – TMG, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Beta 1,3 Glucan, Stevia RebA, DIM (Di Indole Methane), Co-Q 10, Piperine, Red's Blend (Enzymes & Probiotics Blend: Fructooligosaccharides, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Protease, Amylase, Lipase, Cellulase, Lactase, Papain, Lactobacillus casei, Bidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus rhamnosus; Proprietary Liver Support Blend: Whole Oat Bran, Apple Pectin Cellulose Powder, Bromelain, Milk Thistle Seed Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Powder, Ginger Root Powder, Turmeric Rhizome Extract, Plum (Prune) Fruit Extract; Proprietary Antioxidant Blend: Carrot Root Powder, Japanese Knotweed Root Extract, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Pomegranate Fruit Extract, Quercetin, Acerola Fruit Powder, Grape Fruit Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Açaí (Euterpe oleracea) Fruit Powder, Lyceum (Goji) Berry Fruit Powder, Mangosteen Fruit Powder, Noni Fruit Powder, Alfalfa Ionic Trace Mineral Complex; Proprietary Antioxidant Berry Blend: Cranberry Fruit Powder, Black Raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) Fruit Powder, Raspberry Fruit Powder, Blackberry Fruit Powder, Strawberry Fruit Powder, Blueberry Leaf Extract, Bilberry Fruit Extract, Black Cherry Fruit Extract, Blueberry Fruit Powder; Proprietary Fruit & Vegetable Blend: Beet Root Powder, Plum Fruit Extract, Papaya Fruit Powder, Radish Root Powder, Kiwi (Actinidia delicosa) Fruit Powder, Watermelon Fruit Powder, Purple Cabbage Leaf Powder.)

Net Wt. 3.5 lbs (1,593 g) / Serving Size 2 “Shallow” Tbsp. 3x/Day



The purpose of this booklet is for educational and entertainment purposes. The products and suggestions mentioned herein, are for the reader to consider, if this or parts of this protocol would be a reasonable choice for their personal nutritional program.

This in NOT presented as a remedy or cure, but as a support to the nutritional wellbeing of anyone seeking an alternative to traditional diets and nutritional supplementation. It is our belief that a nutritionally sound diet, along with proper supplementation, as presented herein, affords the consumer the best possible chance to keep their immune system working at its optimum capacity and thereby offering the best possible quality of health, life and longevity.

Although, this protocol is very extensive and complex, the reader can lean and utilize many aspects of this information, in order to develop their own guidelines for personal health success. We believe that given the proper and thorough nutrition, as presented herein, the body is more than capable of performing its own task of self-healing. We do NOT claim that any product or suggestion mentioned herein can perform any healing or cure, this task is strictly left for the body to perform, should that be the outcome.

We also believe, that to the extent that one follows these guidelines, is directly related to the success of their health goals. May God give you wisdom and understanding while reading this material and may these nutritional guidelines assist you in achieving your best possible health.


Warnings: Pregnant or lactating women. diabetics, hypoglycemics, and people with known medical conditions and/or taking drugs should consult with a licensed physician and/or pharmacist prior to taking dietary supplements.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Copyright © 2018 B. Benton Tait

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